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L e s s o n s & C o n s u l t a t i o n s
Photo by Helmut Jokesch
Individual lessons for beginners and advanced players on acoustic steel string, classical nylon string or electric guitar, interested in classical, jazz or more popular music expressions.
Music Theory
Studying basic elements of music language including notes, scales, intervals, chords, tonalities, rhythm... – fundamental concepts used to understand, analyse or create music.
Ear Training (Solfeggio)
Studying and recognizing the sound of scales, intervals, chords, harmonic progressions, rhythm... by hearing. Ear training connects music theory with the sounds we hear – a direct connection between the terminology used to describe music structure (perfect fifth, triad, dorian mode...) and the actual sounds described by that terminology. The more trained an individual is in recognising these connections, the better musician they become. The ability to quickly reproduce music we hear in our head or to understand what we play and what musicians next to us play is an essential skill for every musician.
Harmony & Harmonic Analysis
Studying theory of modal and functional harmony and harmonic analysis; construction of chords and voicings, understanding chord relation to the tonality, voice leading, expanding harmonic vocabulary... all the way to putting theory into practice – harmonising pre-composed melodies, arranging, orchestrating, song writing, composing...
Active Listening
Today, most of people listen passively to music; music mostly serves a purpose of a decorative background soundtrack for whatever an individual is doing at the moment. While listening to music, those who listen passively are in fact concentrated on something else. On contrary, active listening makes listening to music our main and only task.
Learning how to listen actively is an invaluable skill for both musicians and non-musicians and it requires no distractions by other tasks or sounds around you. Active listening sessions are an opportunity for an individual (or group) to revisit already well known music or experience completely new and unknown music in a studio environment using professional music equipment (studio loudspeakers or headphones). Music literature used for these sessions consists of carefully selected music of various vocal and instrumental artists with a focus on well-recorded and mastered music productions. Goals of these sessions are to train an intense focus and awareness and bring one closer to the music itself. Through active listening, musicians or music producers become more analytical and critical to the music they are listening to, while non-musicians reach higher level of appreciation for what music art has to offer. An honest appreciation for music comes from understanding the music, which makes active listening as important as music theory, arranging or mixing. At the same time, one must not understand music in order to be able to feel it, which makes active listening sessions not only interesting topic for musicians but also for those who do not possess any music skills.
Music Production Consultations & Song/Composition Evaluation
Advice and recommendations for musicians, composers or song writers and home-recording enthusiasts: learning basics of audio or MIDI recording/programming and post-production (editing and mixing preparation), best implementation of equipment an individual already owns, equipment recommendation or requirement for individual’s needs, editing and mixing consultations, project artistic directing consultations, song or composition evaluation...
Important notes:
The concept of every lesson is never strictly fixed, as it should fit the needs and the actual knowledge level of the individual. Music subjects such as theory, harmony or ear training often intertwine and depending on the individual, lessons may be focused on more than one subject.
Guitar lessons are individual lessons while lessons for all other subjects listed above may be organised for two participants as well.
Teaching is possible in English, German or Serbo-Croatian.
For any further information, questions and prices please fill this contact form.
Photo by Georg Cizek-Graf
Photo by Georg Cizek-Graf
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